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The risk for long COVID appears to be higher in children younger than five years of age, those with medical complexity and those admitted to the intensive care unit.

It is important for parents and kids to take every possible safety precaution and understand all risks and symptoms related to COVID-19.

🔎What should parents know about coronavirus variants in babies and children?

Coronavirus variants, including those with mutations that make them more contagious, continue to spread, particularly in areas with low rates of community COVID-19 vaccination.

For children too young to be vaccinated (and adults who have not received coronavirus vaccines) it is important to follow  COVID-19 precautions such as mask wearing when in public, indoor places to reduce the chance of becoming infected with the coronavirus.

🔎COVID symptoms in babies , toddler and children -


🧿 Fever,

🧿 Headache

🧿 Sore throat

🧿 Cough

🧿 Weakness,

🧿 Sleep disturbances,

🧿 Muscle and joint pain,

🧿 Depression/anxiety and

🧿 Altered sense of smell or taste

🧿 Diarrhea

🧿 Nausea or vomiting

🧿 Congestion or runny nose

🔎How to Protect Your Kids from the Coronavirus

✓ Preventing COVID in children involves ensuring that they stay at home as much as possible.

✓ Avoid crowded spaces.

✓ Wear masks while outside (above 5 years ).

✓ Above all, take good care of your children's health.

✓ Ensure that they practise hand washing and cover their mouth and nose with bent elbow when they cough or sneeze. 

✓ Watch out for any symptoms of COVID-19 and reach out to the doctor if necessary. 

✓ Have a plan in advance in case your child falls sick.

🔎Can newborns and babies get COVID-19?

It appears that women infected with the coronavirus can, in very rare cases, pass the disease to her baby. Infants can also become infected shortly after being born. most newborns who test positive for the coronavirus have mild symptoms or none at all, and recover, but serious cases have occurred. Pregnant women should take extra precautions, including talking to your doctor about getting a COVID-19 vaccine, to avoid the coronavirus.


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