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What is Tomato flu that is spreading in India? Understanding the disease, Symptoms and treatment


🔎What is tomato flu

Tomato Flu is a rare viral disease, which causes red-coloured rashes, skin irritation and dehydration, and the disease gets its name from the blisters it causes, which look like tomatoes. It is a form of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). Till now, most of the reported cases of Tomato Flu or Tomato Fever are among children from age 1-9. The illness is rare in adults as they usually have immune systems strong enough to defend them from the virus.

🔎Case of Tomato flu:

The tomato flu was first identified in Kerala's Kollam district on May 6, 2022. The study said the tomato flu virus shows symptoms similar to those of Covid-19 but the virus is not related to SARS-CoV-2. Rather than a viral infection, tomato flu could be an after-effect of chikungunya or dengue fever in children.

🔎Is Tomato Flu a form of COVID-19? 

Though some symptoms are similar to COVID-19, the tomato flu has nothing to do with COVID-19. These symptoms are usually seen in other types of viral infections also.


The primary symptoms observed in children with tomato flu are similar to those of chikungunya, which include high fever, rashes, and intense pain in joints. Some of its symptoms like body aches, fever and fatigue are similar to those experienced by Covid-19 patients. Other symptoms include :

🧿  Joint swelling,
🧿  Nausea,
🧿  Diarrhoea,
🧿  Dehydration,
🧿  Joint aches and
🧿  High fever.

In some cases, patients also reported the development of rashes on their skin.


The treatment for tomato flu is similar to the treatment of chikungunya, dengue and hand, foot, and mouth disease. Patients are advised to isolate, rest, plenty of fluids, and hot water sponge for the relief of irritation and rashes.

"Supportive therapy of paracetamol for fever and bodyache and other symptomatic treatments are required", said the study.

🔎How to prevent Tomato Flu?

Sanitisation and hygienic surroundings are a must to stop the spread of Tomato Flu or Tomato Fever. Infected children must be kept in isolation till the symptoms have subsided completely and sharing of food, toys, clothes and other items must be prevented. Infected children should avoid touching or scratching the blisters. 


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