🔎What is normal blood pressure?
Normal blood pressure for most adults is defined as a systolic pressure of less than 120 and a diastolic pressure of less than 80. Elevated blood pressure is defined as a systolic pressure between 120 and 129 with a diastolic pressure of less than 80.
🔎What is normal blood pressure according to age?
🔎High blood pressures is more likely to cause:
🧿Heart attack
🧿Heart failure
🧿Vision loss
🧿Kidney failure
🧿Erectile dysfunction
🔎How to treat high blood pressure?
Some of the suggested lifestyle changes by the physicians are as follows:
🧿Quit smoking
🧿Lose weight
🧿Avoid alcohol or at least limit the intake
🧿Eat a low-sodium and low-fat diet such as the DASH diet
🧿Avoid too much stress
🧿Eat foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium such as bananas and milk
🧿Regular monitoring of blood pressure after reaching the age of 35 years
🧿Practice meditation and other stress-relieving exercises
🧿Cut back on caffeine
🔎The physicians may prescribe the following medications:
🧿ACE inhibitors