Raju Srivastava's health update: As per the latest report, the comedian has shown further improvement. Raju, who was on the ventilator following a heart attack, reportedly moved his hand and tried interacting with wife Shikha Srivastava.
Comedian and politician Raju Srivastava, who was admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) last month following a cardiac arrest, recently gained consciousness. Earlier this week, reports said that the comic was put on a ventilator again after he ran a mild fever. Now, Raju has reportedly shown further improvement.
🔎What happened:
The comedian suffered a major heart attack on August 10 while working out in a Delhi gym. According to news reports, he also suffered brain damage after cardiac arrest.
🔎Who is Raju Srivastava ?
Srivastav was born in a middle-class Kanpur family on December 25, 1963. His father, noted Hindi poet Ramesh Chandra Srivastava, was popularly known as Balai Kaka. Skilled at mimicry and impersonations, Srivastav dreamed of being a comic from a young age.