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Global monkeypox cases Top 50,000 : WHO


The WHO's dashboard showed that 50,496 cases and 16 deaths had been flagged up to the UN health agency, which declared the outbreak a global public health emergency.

The WHO triggered its highest level of alarm on July 24, classifying it as a public health emergency of international concern, alongside Covid-19.

🔎WHO chief on monkeypox : 

"In the Americas, which accounts for more than half of reported cases, several countries continue to see increasing numbers of infections, although it is encouraging to see a sustained downward trend in Canada," he told a press conference.

"Some European countries, including Germany and the Netherlands, are also seeing a clear slowing of the outbreak, demonstrating the effectiveness of public health interventions and community engagement to track infections and prevent transmission.

A surge in monkeypox infections has been reported since early May among men who have sex with men, outside the African countries where it has long been endemic.

The WHO triggered its highest level of alarm on July 24, classifying it as a public health emergency of international concern, alongside Covid-19.

🔎Cases in 101 territories :

Cases have been reported from 101 territories, though only 52 have reported new cases in the last seven days -- of which 27 were reporting numbers in single figures.

The countries which have reported more than a thousand cases to the WHO in total are the United States (17,994), Spain (6,543), Brazil (4,693), France (3,547), Germany (3,467), Britain (3,413), Peru (1,463), Canada (1,228) and the Netherlands (1,160).

The number of new US infections appears to have recently slowed slightly, according to data from health authorities.

Meanwhile the WHO's Europe chief said Tuesday he saw "encouraging" signs that the outbreak was slowing on the continent and heading "in the right direction".

🔎How does monkeypox virus spread?

Rosamund Lewis, the WHO's technical lead on monkeypox, said physical contact of any kind with someone who has the virus would put them at risk of catching it too.

"The vast majority today are still among men who have sex with men, whether they be gay, bisexual or otherwise have contact with other men who have monkeypox," she told Wednesday's press conference.

Lewis stressed that there had not been any reports of far of monkeypox transmission through blood transfusions.


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