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What Is Lumpy Skin Disease : Case study , Facts


India's Lumpy Skin Disease Outbreak: The viral disease- Lumpy skin disease- mainly affects cows. The virus belongs to the capripoxvirus genus in the poxviridae family.

As lumpy skin disease has rapidly spread among cattle in eight states of India, over 67,000 cattle have died since July. The viral disease's outbreak has prompted a massive vaccination drive in the country.

🔎What is the lumpy virus?

For the first time in the year 2019, this virus was knocked in India, it is a skin disease, in which nodular or lumpy rash forms in the skin. It is called LSDV. It spreads from one animal to another. It is spread only due to the Capri pox virus. Information says that this disease spreads to animals through mosquito bites.


The main symptoms of lumpy skin disease are fever, weight loss, watery eyes, salivation, rash on the body, less milk and loss of appetite. Along with this, his body gets worse day by day.

🔎Home Remedy and Treatment

⬛ Isolate animals affected by the lumpy disease.

⬛ Kill flies, mosquitoes, lice etc.

⬛ Spray disinfectants all over the area.

⬛ Most of the animals die due to the attack of this virus.

⬛ If the cow is infected, keep other animals away from it.

🔎Some facts about Lumpy skin disease :

1.Lumpy skin disease is transmitted by insects that feed on blood such as mosquitoes, ticks, and certain species of flies. It can also spread through contaminated fodder and water.

2. Lumpy skin disease causes fever, nodules on the skin and in severe cases can also lead to death.

3.Lumpy skin disease is especially dangerous for animals that have not been exposed to the virus.

4. In India, the first lumpy skin disease case was reported on April 23 this year in Gujarat's Kutch.

5.Lumpy skin disease has now spread in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Jammu & Kashmir.

6.India has begun administering the 'goat pox vaccine' to all cattle in the affected states. The vaccine is "100 per cent effective" against the lumpy skin disease, the Centre said.

7. Over 1.5 crore doses have been administered to cattle in the affected states.

8. Indigenous vaccine 'Lumpi-ProVacInd' for the lumpy disease has also been developed in India.

9. Currently, two companies are manufacturing the vaccine.


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